Thursday, April 18, 2013

School (Differences and Similarities)

I wanted to post more about my host school, but this time I want to talk about the differences and similarities between my host school and my US school. First of all I have to wear a uniform, and I actually like that because I can sleep longer (I sleep so much here, I'm ALWAYS tired), but the uniforms aren't exactly attractive, I mean I guess they could be worse, they aren't plaid! But the shirt could be so much better as well. Secondly, I only go to school 4 hours a day (here, you either go to school in the morning or in the afternoon. I go to school in the morning), which I really like, but then I then I have a lot of time on my hands because even though I've been here for two months I haven't made that many friends thanks to my lack of language skills so I basically just tag along with my host sister. I also find it easier to do the work and keep up with everyone else in the class because they don't go to school that much they don't learn as quickly and go slowly because of the short periods. Thirdly, here you don't get to pick the classes that you take because you don't change classrooms, the teachers do, so you have the same classmates for the entire school day and the subjects that you get are the subjects that you get. I have mixed feelings about this, if it was like that for my school in the US I would absolutely love it because you become amazing friends with everyone in your class. But since I'm in a new country and trying to get involved and meet new people, I don't really know how I feel about it because it makes it harder to meet more people and branch out and make more friends, because everyone in the class just kind of hangs out with each other during the break and your classmates are your clique.


  1. I'm guessing you are probably making closer friends because you are all together all the time. Sounds like there really aren't any cliques - just everyone in your class palling around together.

    If you had all different classes, you would just see people in passing and not really get to know any of them.

  2. True, but then I would talk to them and become friends with more people.
