Friday, April 19, 2013


Ok, I want to talk about P.E. at my host school. You can choose between three different sports, Volleyball, Handball, and Gymnastics. Now I'm not a huge fan of sports, the only sport I like is Dance. However, I had to choose, so I chose Volleyball. Now, I should not be playing volleyball because it is probably very dangerous for the other players to be around me when I'm playing volleyball. Today was our first time playing, and I sat down half way through to find little purple marks all up and down my arms (mostly my left since I'm left handed and served with that hand), and I don't think they're bruises because bruises aren't that small. No, they're more like little blood spots just under how ever many layers of skin someone has. And the worst part is my thumb muscle hurts so it hurts whenever I use my thumb on my left hand, which is a problem because I'm left handed. But, other than that I think my first practice was a success. I managed to get the ball all the way to the other players while serving, and I was pretty good at passing the ball too. I just hope my arms are better by next practice...

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