Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Trouble in Paradise

Exchange students change families all the time here, it seems like AFS Argentina can never find the right families. I got very lucky with my family, because they are the perfect match for me. I have to say though, I do kind of want to change families just to see how different other families are and experience a life in another family's home. Maybe I should've come here with the program where you change families 3 times within the year to experience new things instead of with AFS. That was the only reason why I might have wanted to change families. A couple days ago, my host sister and I are walking to the bus stop to go to P.E. (Volleyball) and she starts talking to me about how her and her mom are having trouble working with the dad. She told me why they were mad at him and that the parents may get divorced, and that they may start fighting and that she hopes that I don't get scared because of that and want to change families. I told her that even though I don't want them to fight they need to work out their problems, and that I don't want to change families. But now my host sister is completely icing him out and the mom is a little cold towards him too. I just feel really bad for him because it's like they are ganging up on him. So I just want to say that the family almost ALWAYS eats together. So now every meal we have is so awkward because they're mad at him and he is frustrated towards them and I'm just sitting there quietly eating my food. At that point I still was like "ok they will work it out soon". But then tonight we were having hot dogs for dinner and I got out the bread and passed one to my host sister than I asked the host dad if he wanted one and he said sure. Then my host sister said to me in English (since he can't understand English) "next time be quiet". That was unexpected, she can ice him out all she wants but as soon as she wants me to ice him out too, that is when I start having problems. Especially since he didn't actually do anything to make me mad at him. I do understand why she is mad at him, but it isn't my place to interfere and take sides. I'm Switzerland.

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